A few days ago we filled the last Workshare position; however, there is a possibility one of the people signed up for this season will need to drop out due to health concerns. If someone is interested in being a workshare, please contact me ASAP. The season is just about to start and I'd like to get all these details finalized.
Regarding memberships for purchase, I received several emails and phone calls last week from people who expressed interest and intial commitment in joining our CSA. I've yet to see the paperwork or payments come through so there are still a couple of memberships yet to fill. Shain is concerned about taking on extra members when he has only planted a given amount of early season produce. He has set a number he is comfortable with and I've agreed to respect this by cutting off CSA members at that number. Please contact me directly if you are interested, ASAP. I'll post here when we are officially "full".
We are watching the growth of the early season greens in greenhouse 7. It is obvious they won't be ready for starting the CSA deliveries on the very first Wednesday of May. We are pretty confident produce will be ready to harvest for delivery on May 9th. I'm working on getting all the paperwork and details ready. If you are a 2012 EverGreen CSA member, I'll be in touch soon.
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