- Garlic Scapes, last of the season
- 1 bulb of freshly dug garlic
- Shunkyo Radishes
- Salad Mix
- Swiss Chard
- Cilantro
- Italian Parsley
Recipe Ideas:
The talk at the farmers market this past Saturday was using the
garlic scapes to make a a pesto and use it for seasoning
meat, similar to a meat rub or glaze. The pesto can be made in large
batches and frozen in small "servings" (ice cube trays work
well). We have several recipes on our blog here.
Also, garlic scapes will keep well in a loose (not sealed) plastic bag in your refrigerator crisper drawer.
With the cilantro and parsley this week, I highly suggest making cilantro pesto which our family makes in bulk and freezes to eat all winter. It is great on meat or with tortilla chips. We like this recipe.
Please take some time to search around the recipe section of this blog. We've collected recipes over the years and hope it helps give you some ideas for using your share of produce. We also welcome any recipes you would like to share.
Photo: Greenhouse #5 and a 300 foot row of shell peas.
(The pieces of black plastic are covering one area on the farm where the thistle was beyond other control methods. The plastic is left in place for at least 3 weeks to kill this very stubborn and aggressive weed.)
Two of our farm helpers weeded a row of squash and zucchini today. Their report is that the plants are loaded with 100's of tiny baby fruit. Well, we all know how fast squash and zucchini can grow, so it shouldn't be too long before they are ready to harvest.
Shain dug up some fresh garlic for you this week. As you can see, it's still a little small so we will let it grow a little longer. But the flavor is all there! The garlic plants aren't looking as healthy as in years past (they've been frozen, hailed on, water logged, and overcrowded with weeds). We just aren't sure how the harvest will be this year. Shain is concerned and paying close attention to it nearly every day to determine just the right timing to stop watering the plants and begin the curing process.
The peas are finally taking off. I hope to have peas for you next week!
Shain thinks it won't be too long before the CSA carrots are ready to dig.
One good thing to come of the cool spring is a delay in some of the bug problems we experience on the farm. This past week, however, we have noticed an increase in the bugs, especially caterpillars, grass hoppers and ear wigs. When the salad mix gets infested with caterpillars, it takes longer to cut, sort and wash. This week, it took one full day just to do the salad for the CSA and a few of our accounts. Soon, we will have too much other produce that is ready to harvest to justify spending a one full harvest day processing the salad mix. Then when the bugs aren't as bad, we will go back to harvesting salad.
Have a great week and Enjoy your veggies!
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