Still weeding....
In your share this week:
- Japanese Turnips
- Radishes
The turnips have really grown this past week! We harvested just the biggest sized turnips and still ended up with over 900! Divide that by the number of CSA shares we have and it means you are all getting a very large bunch of turnips this week. If you haven't developed a fondness for them already, maybe this week you can experiment using turnips and turnip greens in some new recipes.
I added a new recipe to this blog for Ham Hock & Turnip Greens, provided by one of our CSA members.
Your share is limited to only the two items this week. This is our transition period where the early season, inside crops (grown in the greenhouses) are just about gone, and the outside crops (grown in the fields) aren't quite ready. No matter how dutifully Shain plans and prepares, it seems we usually have a gap in our produce production this time of year. This year we can blame it on those few weeks of nearly constant dark and rainy days.
Taking last week off harvesting for the CSA was very helpful. Thank you for your understanding. We were able to do a lot of weeding, planting and other projects. Shain is feeling better about having necessary crops planted. However, we are not feeling the same about the weeds. In particular, the thistle has taken over patches of our fields like we've never seen before. So we weed...everyone...together...a weeding party!
But in all seriousness, Shain has been spending a lot of time on the internet researching organic and sustainable methods of controlling weeds, especially the dreaded thistle. There are a lot of ideas, methods, and tools available to help us win this ongoing battle. He is very determined and I'm certain he'll figure this out.
Meanwhile, I am literally dreaming about weeds. It keeps me motivated to get up the next day and attack another row.
Have a great week and enjoy your veggies!
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